Kamis, 21 Desember 2017

Boat On The Rafting Rides at DUFAN Upside Down

Jakarta - A boat on the rafting rides at Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Pademangan, North Jakarta, upside down. Five people were reported to have been injured.
"The reverse crash of the arum rafting boat in Ancol occurred on Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 15:30 pm," said Head of Public Relations Polda Metro Jaya Pol Kombes Argo Yuwono when confirmed AFP on Sunday (22/10/2017).
The incident occurred when five visitors boarded the arum rafting vessel. As the boat rises and is hit by the waves, the boat suddenly reverses.
Argo said, the visitors who boarded the rides at that time put a safety belt. Once the boat overturned, the victims had time to concede water.
"Because the victims wearing seat belts that are in the boat so that the victims hit the bottom of the rides and pooled pool water," said Argo.
The victims were then taken to RS Satya Negara for treatment. The victims reported blisters.
Here are the five victims' data:
1. M Risma Saputra (20), a resident of Graha Mandiri Block B26, Kelurahan Satria Jaya. tambun, Bekasi (abrasions on the hands and abdomen)
2. Dimas Wildana Putra (blisters on the left hand)
3. M Satrio (45)
4. Selvi Yuliani (24), resident of Jl Kemandoran RT 04/22 Kelurahan Pekayon Jaya, South Bekasi (wound on hand).
5. Cut Muria Azuenda (20), citizen of Bintara, Cakung.
Dufan management party confirmed the event. Currently the victims have been evacuated to the nearest hospital.

"All the victims have been evacuated to the nearest hospital and alhamdulillah there is no casualties and now all are in recovery," said Corporate Communication PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Rika Lestari when asked for confirmation.

Source : news.detik.com 

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